Wow, I'm speechless. What an amazing choir tour, full of experience and discipleship as a unit of Christ. I feel a spiritual high in my soul that I have never experienced with the Lord, so high that I feel I could never let go from this feeling, nor the relationship itself. I have realized many things on this trip that I felt i really needed to learn and that I don't know where and when I would ever live had I not gone on this trip. I am so blessed to be even able to go on this trip, all thanks to Resha. I hope and pray blessings are fulfilled in your life and that God will ease the struggles in your life as well as using me if that is what it takes to bring some sort of inspiration to your life Resha. Thank you so much once again for just opening up such a wonderful opportunity in my life that has changed me and helped me to realize some of the major distractions that are setting me away from God. It has helped me to realize how close I need to stay with him and be with him as distractions and temptations were jumping into my life during the course of this trip. My prayer is that it will continue to apply in my life, with the way I need to live my life under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
As far as the trip itself, i know it has taken an unbelievable amount of prayer and concern into the whole thing and with the outcome, I don't think I could have seen it any other way and I don't think it could have turned out better. All of the trust and faith concerning this trip all went to God, and every single one of us who went knew it. We never leaned on our own understanding of things but just let God handle it all, and God made everything fine. All we had to do was trust and have faith, as well as not argue against what God has decided for some things in this world, even if it is against our judgement and opinion of things. We don't want to be pharisees, right?
I had one of the greatest times of my life on this trip, no matter how much pain was caused and brought into it. The ministry was fulfilling, stays in the hotel room were a blast, the amusement park was full of intensity and excitement, and the talent show was absolutely hilarious. What a way to end a choir tour. It was so great just enjoying the friendships I had as well as strengthening the bonds between people I didn't even (expect to) know. Enjoying the beauty of God's creation was another great thing to enjoy on this trip. Going to St. Paul's Cathedral Basilica was absolutely one of the greatest ways to really take in a good look at God's beauty, and being aware that it was only a smidgen of God's creation was just mind-blowing to even think about. God's plan is unreal to have planned all of these experiences built into this one trip. Absolutely incredible.
I just want to say thanks to all of the chaperones, bus drivers, and everyone on the trip. We all experienced an abundant amount of things together with God as a body of Christ. Working together, being there for each other, and serving as a whole ministry to God was one special event in my life that God had placed that really made me feel thankful for everyone. Thanks for everybody's prayers for every single prayer request that was brought upon everyone's hearts brought up over the trip and for the ones that people brought into the trip, maybe not being prepared for what God had in store for this trip. It was awesome that we could pray and listen to each other to help out each other as a unit to help us carry on. This trip has truly been one of the greatest experiences of my life that could never be forgotten and has considerably helped me in my walk with the Lord. I'm in so much connection with Him that I could never fall away from his love for the world and myself. It makes me feel honored and loved to serve Him and I couldn't live, knowing that I'm not doing that in any point of my life.
And on a final note to seniors, it was great meeting every single one of you and bonding. You really have a lot in store for you in your future as the Lord prepares the way for you. Just trust and never give up, please. Whether I see you guys again or not, I really hope that all you do is live your life for Christ and do as he commands you with an open heart and mind and never hide or be ashamed. Keep in touch if you can and I'll be praying for all of you as you move on. May the Lord be with you in the best and worst, the bitter and sweet, as well as life's journey in general.
It still just blows my mind all of the opportunities that the Lord made on this trip and the ministry that we accomplished in his name. There was too much to be described that God worked in our lives while on this trip. Wow, so much to be thankful for, and all of the glory and thanks will go to Him. God is amazing. Amen.
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