Saturday, June 9, 2007

Where we found Jesus

June 2:
At 2:00 we found Jesus with us and 9 girls at N36 43' 32.69", W88 44' 58.5" (if you copy and paste these numbers in Google Earth "Fly to" tab, you can find where Jesus was also)

We found Jesus watching over us while we slept at N38 42' 52.1", W90 26' 40.9"

June 3:
This morning we found Jesus in a Sanctuary at N38 38' 13.06", W90 24' 16.05"

This afternoon, we found Jesus and peace in a beautiful church built in his honor at N38 38' 33.21", W90 15' 15.55"

Tonight we found Jesus along with some wonderful friends at N38 34' 20.98", W89 58' 25.57"

June 4:

Today Jesus worked beside us moving and stacking 2000 tires at N38 44' 19.16", W90 19' 17.36" (the Google Earth image shows that the tires at one point had been at N38 44' 19.1605", W90 19' 23.63" before being moved and piled onto a mountain at our location; we stacked them in columns of 5 at N38 44' 18.05", W90 19' 16.83" and then we got hosed off and dressed into plastic bags at the fire station at N38 44' 14.17", W90 19' 26.95").

Today, Jesus spent time with us and some wonderful children at N38 44' 15.22", W90 19' 20.94" and walked beside us at the playground at N38 44' 03.84", W90 19' 12.91"

Today, Jesus sang with us on the steps of the Arch at N38 37' 27.88", W90 11' 03.73" and joined us for food and fellowship at N38 37' 39.33", W90 11' 29.14"

June 5:
Today, we found Jesus in the wrinkled elderly faces at N38 46' 37.34", W90 14' 47.83"

Today, we found Jesus playing basketball at N38 44' 21.94", W90 24' 7.81"

Today, we found Jesus sitting beside us cheering for the home team at N38 37' 22.51", W90 11' 31.66"

June 6:
Today, we found Jesus in the laughter at a church at N39 4' 16.37", W84 21' 1.33"

Tonight, we found Jesus watching over us while we slept at N39 16' 10.3", W84 26' 19.5"

June 6:
Today, Jesus laughed and screamed in joy beside us on the rides at N39 20' 54.5", W84 16' 14.7"

Tonight, we found Jesus giving us courage to perform for our friends.

June 7:
Today, we found Jesus in the wonder of nature at N37 6' 28.7", W86 3' 39.0"

We found Jesus in the joy and love of our family and friends at N34° 43' 46.89",
W86° 44' 30.63"

-- Mike Botts ---

1 comment:

Victor said...

Looks like a pretty fun time to me. From what I've heard it seems that you have everyone doing something just about all the time.

Note to everyone, you can also copy and paste the numbers into the Google Maps search.