Thursday, June 7, 2007

Absolutely Amazing!

This choir tour is absolutely amazing!!! We have had so much fun this week it isn't even funny!! Mrs.Becky has given us some great clues for us to try to figure out where we were going!! The places that we have gone have been amazing. I can already tell that i know what the highlight of this trip is, I would have to definitely tell people that my absolute favorite thing from this trip is singing on the steps in front of the arch in St. Louis. People on this trip have been really impressed with us!! They will ask us where we are from, and with our true southern accents, we will quickly tell them that we are from Alabama!! People ask us why we are where we are, and all we can say is simply, "Where are we?" We have had a few little accidents, but it is just as some of the others have said that with God there are no accidents of coincidents but only connections!! We have all learned that God IS love and He will always offer us second chances!! One thing that we have said several times on this trip and I truly believe is "God is good, all the time, and all the time, God is good." I believe that all of us are on this tour for a reason, even if we don't figure out this week why we are here, we are here for a reason. I know that Mrs. Susan has said this many times, that even if one person has gotten touched by our musical, then we have accomplished something!! Believe me, someone has been touched by this... me! We have also had many other people come to us and tell us how much we had touched them. So all I can say about this trip is... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!
-Jake Rippy

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