We have posted several blogs that were written on our return home. The blog will remain up indefinitely so spread the word. This post is the "Peace Poem" written by the members of CHRIST choir. The kids were asked to reflect on the word peace the day we visited the Cathedral and then at devotion they were asked to complete the sentence "Peace is..." We put all the answers together into one big poem. We hope you enjoy and discover peace for yourself.
Mary Lynn
Peace is……..
By Asbury CHRIST choir
knowing you will always be loved by God.
calming & soothing & spiritual
stepping out of my comfort zone to find God
slowing down enough to see God’s majesty and beauty
being calm and in balance with one’s inner self and with one’s relationship with God
finding reassurance and stability in God
feeling of Jesus
a time when everything is calm and nothing else matters
solitary time alone with yourself in which no situations in life can interrupt you
finding that place where nothing else matters, beyond all distractions and obsessions
what I feel when a concert is over, and all of the stress is complete
when you pause for a moment, your anxiety fades into the air, giving you a sense of relaxation that can only be from the heavens
hard to find
knowing that someone who is very important loves you and would die for you
feeling the presence of the Lord in the midst of chaos
understanding that God is in control and there are no worries because God has a plan
fulfilling & life changing, amazing & delightful, awesome & outstanding, Peace is Peaceful
relaxing your mind, being at ease, and enjoying the quiet and stillness of your surroundings
a time when things are complete
awesome & uneventful
being content
time alone with God
the calm in a storm
seeking self serenity and unity among others
Peace is pretty
Recognizing that the world spins madly on and that that’s okay
A silent moment in the middle of a hectic day when time stops so that one can simply relax and
Having one on one time with God and Him being able to give you that, it’s a freedom
Quiet, relaxing and calm
A time of harmony when the world seems to slow down
A gift from God that allows us to refocus & recenter on Him and the amazing love He has for us
Being isolated yet surrounded at the same time
Being okay with everything just as it is
Calming, comforting, inspiring and encouraging
Taking the time to see God’s beautiful creation
A requirement and a reward for living a spiritual life
Walking off the football field after him
Quiet, confessing expressing yourself (to God), telling God like it is, coming clean
Breathe taking and Life giving
Calm, tranquil, and rare
Difficult to achieve, but worth the effort and sacrifice
Abiding love, mercy, quiet, reflection, relaxing joy in the Lord
Peace is forgetting pain
peace is standing in the rain
peace is sleeping in the storm
peace is removed from the norm
peace is where you can begin to understand why when it’s so unsure
and against all reason you seemed doom to endure
Peace is sleeping through the pain
awakening from the dream
remembering the night’s troubles
yet awakening to a sunbeam
Peace is…..the silence after a thunderstorm
The creek flowing through a forest
The child’s quiet tears that cease
The village covered with a blanket of snow
The creator of the world saying “It is Finished”
The peace that passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus
Peace is living water
When I am dry I am stressed, confused, and worried.
My shepherd leads me by quiet waters and I saturate
His divinity
Meets my depravity and
It is just Him and me
Peace is finding comfort and calm when surrounded by a chaotic world.
Peace is being in communion with God
Peace is knowing that everything is going to be all right
Because you’ve got a powerful God
Peace is being “full” inside
Peace is being consumed with the Love of the Lord
Peace is inner serenity in the midst of chaos
Peace is the most relieving feeling when you feel bogged down by the burdens of daily life
Peace is not something that is handed out in plenty, but rather something that is found inside the soul. The peace God gives us is indescribable, but easily attainable once we acknowledge the fact that without peace we cannot persevere on life's journey.