Sunday, May 11, 2008

Welcome to Tour 2008

Can you believe it has been almost a year since C.H.R.I.S.T. choir went on the "Mystery Tour"? Well here we are again, finalizing plans, learning music, practicing drama, and getting excited about what God has in store for us on Tour 2008. Off to New Orleans and San Antonio our prayer is that no matter where God takes us that He will use us to Glorify Him! Please do pray for us....... pray that we will GET WHY we are going and that we will TRUST God to show us the way.

Don't forget to check in often as we will post while on tour. We would love comments back. To do so you must get a Goggle account. Here is the link for getting an account;
Then you can go to the blog and sign in. You do not need to log in to see the blog only to leave comments.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms, Happy Birthday to my daughter Rachel and Happy Blogging!

Mary Lynn


Anonymous said...

YAY! I can't WAIT!!!! I almost wish we could leave tomorrow! :D
-Rachel G.

C. Tucker said...

HI! This is Celeste Tucker, Lauren's Mom. After dropping her off at Asbury yesterday I decided to run and get her some extra suntan lotion, some magazines, gum and some crazy crowns and pinwheels. Unfortunately, as I returned, the buses were pulling out. I turned around in the parking lot and followed, hoping for what, I don't know, that they would get stopped at a light and I, like a crazy person would run up and bang on the bus door and say, "here give this pink gift bag to my daughter"?

I, of course, caught the light at Kroger and Wall Triana and the buses didn't. My next hope was a train would stop the buses. No luck. I then called Lauren and asked if anyone was following in cars because I realized I was NOT going to chase buses on 565 and 65.
Her reply was that Katie's parents were. This was a surprise to me because Katie is her roommate and they had never mentioned it. I asked what kind of car they were driving and she said a black Honda. There just happened to be one right in front of me. I asked for their cell number and called. I'm not sure what I said to them except asking them if they had a silver van in back of them. They said yes so I asked if they would pull over so I could give them a gift bag for the girls. They did and later handed it over to Katie and Lauren.

Ok, now some people say there are no coincidences, but the chances that Lauren's roommate's parents were going, and that I just happened to be right behind them seemed very strange to me. I think God works in mysterious ways...with a little help from the Stanleys.