Saturday, May 31, 2008

Amazing Service Day!


What’s good? I love blogging. I’m such a stupid nerd. Anyhow, today was something I don’t think I was prepared for. It was definitely stinkin amazing because it was a service day that I would’ve never expected. From what good ole country boy pasta dutch had to say concerning the work that was ahead of us, I knew that there was no way we couldn’t get anything done unless we were completely focused on what we were doing and who we were doing it for. It really seemed like the focus was truly there this year with people never giving up after hours of sweat and hard, dedicated work. I loved the passion that everyone had to work with as well, awesome job choir!!! Dude it was so wild. The one thing that I remembered from today was when I was trying to shovel under this tree and I was leaning up against this window and it broke. Wonderful, right? Of course that happened to one of us, and it was just me today. Kelsey is forcing me off of this thing. Off for the night, keep it up gang!!!
Ahh Jota

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