Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Prayer Team and other good stuff

Here I am sitting on the bus getting ready to go home. What a Choir Tour it has been. I’ve been part of this choir for three years now and choir tour is always an incredible way to end the year. Being it is my senior year and my last tour this marks my last official event as part of the Asbury Youth group. That’s both sad and exciting but there is no better way to top it off than with choir tour. It’s been both a very quick yet dense choir tour marked with various memorable moments and glimpses of God doing large ministry. I know that God has chosen all 128+ of us specifically for this trip with a different reason behind it and I feel honored that He would use us as His hands and feet as He has done this week. We went from performing at fellow Methodist churches, shouting on the steps of the Lincoln memorial, worshiping with seniors at the retirement center, to sharing the word with a group of kids at the children’s home. At all of these places we sang God’s word in song form and shared His love with His children as He shared his love with us. Like I already said, it has been quite a week.
I’ve had the blessing this week of being a member of the 12 person prayer team. As soon as we arrived at a place where we would sing, the prayer team would gather up and pray together for the performance, the choir, the audience, and most importantly for God’s will. A group from the choir has been meeting since January to pray for God’s preparation in this trip and this group was merely a branch from that group. God began to show us the fruits of the prayer team before the trip embarked and this made us all the more excited. Mrs. Myrick was the best team leader we could have asked for on the prayer team as she kept us engaged with various forms of prayer: journaling, prayer walking, praying scripture, visualizing, repetition, name calling, and group prayer. It was a great way to get focused for the next performance and really invest ourselves in what we were doing. God’s word says that when two or more gather in his name that he is there and will hear us. This was the foundation for our prayer and we have security in knowing that he answered us in both ways seen and unseen.
It was also great to know that we were not the only ones praying whenever several members of the choir had time they would also gather to pray for the performance and other requests as well. It truly believe that prayer is powerful and because of the prayers of various people before and during the trip God prepared the places we were to go to be fertile soil for the word that he put in our musical to share with them.
More than ministry, this trip was sooo fun! We got to gallivant around Washington D.C, our nation’s capital, and see the millions of memorials, museums, and several landmarks that make this city special. We also didn’t just get to sing to the kids at the children’s home we got to play and spend time with them too. More than ministry, it was just plain fun. Finally yesterday we were at Kings Dominion. An awesome amusement park! There were like a million awesome roller coasters that by the time the day was over my head was spinning. Finally we got the top of the trip with the ever so famous Talent Night! A series of both impressive and hilarious acts that make you forget how late in the night it was. My personal favorites being the Jackson 5, Miss Universe Pageant, and the Chaperone Skit.
I just want to thank Mrs. Susan for being the best choir director anyone could ask for. You have been a blessing on my life and soo many others in this choir. Also, thank you to EVERYONE who either chaperoned on this trip, helped with the choir, or did something for desert night out. It blows my mind to think of everyone that has done something with this choir that is not actually in the choir. This is very cliché but Choir tour would not be the same success without what you do. Thank you for putting up with the teenagers of 2009 and for your patience and love for us. I’ve been so blessed and don’t want to leave this behind.

Thanks, David Olsen


Anonymous said...

My friend and I were recently discussing about how modern society has evolved to become so integrated with technology. Reading this post makes me think back to that discussion we had, and just how inseparable from electronics we have all become.

I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as memory gets cheaper, the possibility of downloading our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's a fantasy that I dream about all the time.

(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4i SDHC[/url] DS BlogServ)

Anonymous said...

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