Thursday, June 5, 2008

God is Good All the Time!

Hello friends, family, and all in between. We are currently departing St. Andrews UMC of Baton Rouge, LA and all I can say at the moment is that OUR GOD IS INCREDIBLE! Tonight has truly given us an amazing opportunity to fellowship and worship with an awesome group of Brothers and Sisters of all ages in Christ. After spending all day on the bus, we arrived at St. Andrews. I was amongst the first off the bus, for I am on the prayer team and we were circling up. Immediately, we were greated by an enthusiastic, extremely welcoming youth group. We were fed with Louisiana's finest cuisine...Jambalaya, green beans, rolls, salad, and an array of deliciously scrumptious desserts. Afterwards with rotund bellies and tight pants we performed for their congregation. It was undeniably our best performance EVER! Not only were we musically on target with our dynamic crecendos, flawless drama, and graceful dancing, but it is safe to say that the Holy Spirit's presence was felt by everyone. We battled sore throats and exhaustion but we sang our hearts out for HIM. I was so touched when I looked out into the audience and saw how many people had been moved to tears. There were quite a number of women dabbing their eyes, as well as a few older men, one teenage boy, and a stunned youth group. Upon reflection, I am reminded of a skit early in our musical. In it Breanna Thackerson and Morgan Taylor talk about worship tools. They name a Bible, a songbook, a prayer journal, a soup ladle, a paintbrush, a passport, and a cell phone and explain how they can all be acts of worship. Then Breanna explains how we can use our bodies as living sacrifices to God. And that's exactly what we did tonight. It was so indescribable. To be used by the Holy Spirit to fellowship, praise, and worship with believers in His presence is what we are put on earth to do. And doing the right thing is the best feeling ever!
God is Good All the Time!
Megan Hurley

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